Two-factor authentication (2FA)

What is two-step verification? Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security method that requires a user to confirm their identity in …

Other functions

Check-in functions Basic information about online check-in are described in other section of our online manual. Let´s see the other …

Online check-in

Online check-in can be activated in upper part of Alfred app section. Then you can select how you want to …

Conversions tracking

Simply enter your codes and booking engine conversions will be tracked automatically. If you want to use more codes, separate …

What are contingents?

Contingents can “pre-book” rooms for specific partner for certain time period. You are usually supposed to keep contracted rooms unoccupied. …

Market codes

This section contains basic administration of all your market codes. Market codes are very similar to guest labels. Only difference …

Significant dates

Significant days module allows you to highlight selected time periods which are crutial and important for your reception. You can …


You can unlimited number of reservation calendars for better orientation in your reservations. Most often people divide their rooms to …

Photo Gallery

Photo gallery is one of the most important parts of your online presentation. Gallery is divided into two separate parts. …

Online bookings

Online bookings Your bookings can work in two different ways. If you are not using Online bookings every new reservation …