
This last section will direct you to general system settings. You can also enter this settings section using the button with cogwheel in your reservation calendar.


  • Default method how reservations are saved
    • Assigned reservations – all new online reservations will be assigned to particular rooms. Also the default setting for new manually created reservation will be that they will be assigned to rooms. (but you can also use the floating reservations even with this settings)
    • Floating reservationsall new online reservations will be saved as floating. That means that they are already calculated into your availability (so overbooks should be prevented) and you should assign the reservations to particular rooms sooner or later.
  • Placing method for online reservations (only with “Assigned reservations”) – using default settings, online reservations are being placed by order of rooms in certain room type. Second option places reservations evenly by their long time occupancy.
  • Expiration of options – default settings for time period for reservations in option status.
  • Reservation payment status – payment status is set by account balance in default settings. You can also choose that users will have to switch payment status manually in reservation detail and balance will be not taken in consideration.
  • Default reservation status – new manually created reservation will be set to selected status.
  • Switching of reservations to any status after a certain time – reservation which are not in certain status X hours after their expected arrival will be automatically switched to selected status.
  • Lock reservations automatically – you can also set that reservation in particular status will be automatically locked in order to prevent any further changes in reservations/accounts X hours after the check-out time of reservation. Unlocking of reservations can be limited by user role permissions.
  • Guest arrival and departure dates can vary in reservation – by activating this function you will be able to set different dates of stay for particular guests in reservation + to mark if the single guests have already been checked-in/out. Suitable for situations such as when one guest leaves one day earlier than the rest of the room. Changes in dates for particular guests also affect the room account items.


  • Voucher numbering – here you can set numbers for your reservations (prefix, number of digits, etc.)
  • Sending vouchers and other settings – settings for creating and sending of vouchers via email (subject and body of the email, default voucher content, more information, etc.). Amenities, description and photogallery of booked rooms can be also included in last site of your confirmation vouchers.
  • Advance payments – voucher can be used for advance payment purpose. You can also set if you want to automatically generate proforma invoice with the voucher.

Second tab of this settings allows you to adjust numbering of your hourly reservations. You can create separate number series or use the same you use for standard reservations.

Hotel account

  • Default settings for room account recalculation – if you prolong reservation, you can have the room account recalculation automatic without confirmation, or you can recalculate the account with confirmation or you do not want to recalculate at all and recalculations must be done manually from room account. You can also differ if you want to recalculate user created reservation or online reservations or both categories.
  • Hotel account language – in which language automatic room account items will be displayed.


  • Calculate ADR/REVPAR from following segments in room account – select segments which will be used for ADR/REVPAR calculation throughout the system (reports, pricelist, etc.)