Basic Information

At the very beginning you need to make registration at Expedia. Important thing is to select pricing model. Prices can be set per rooms or per person.

If you would like to change the pricing model after the registration, contact Expedia and they will make the change for you (you do not have access to this setting after registration is done).

Do not forget to inform us about this change so we could adjust the connection from our side.

Which data can we transfer to Expedia?

  • Prices (special prices and revenue management)
  • First and last minute discounts
  • Availability
  • Restrictions (min/max stay, arrivals/departures, stop sell)
  • Downloading reservations

Setting the minimum reservation advance restriction – This restriction is not transferred from Previo, but it is possible to set it directly in the Expedia Extranet as “Advance purchase window”.

Discounts and length of stay surcharges can only be transferred via a separate rate plan in Previo, which is linked to the rate plan on Expedia 1:1.

New reservation ID: the booking number sent from the Expedia portal is automatically prefixed in Previo with S1_

Rate plans in Expedia

It is typical for Expedia that each room type has a unique rate plan ID number, so no rate plan is the same as for another room.

You can access an overview of your active room types and rate programs via the left sidebar under Room and rates → Room types and rate plans section. Here you can edit existing rate plans (cancellation policy, etc. parameters) for each room type or add a completely new rate plan.

Expedia offers several types of rate plans, but only the first type can be fully linked to the Channel Manager and receive complete data:

  • Standalone Rate Plan – Can be fully connected to the Channel Manager, allowing all data to be sent.
  • Partially Linked Rate Plan – Only certain data (e.g., restrictions) can be sent to Expedia.
  • Linked Rate Plan – Data is managed directly in Expedia’s extranet; the Channel Manager cannot send any data.
  • Package  – A special rate plan for vacation packages, typical for Expedia; data is managed in the Expedia extranet, similar to the fully linked rate plan.

Meals in Expedia reservations

The information about which meal is included in a specific rate plan is configured directly in Expedia’s extranet when editing the rate plan under the option “Additional items included in this rate.”

Expedia does not provide details about included meals when sending reservations.Therefore, it is necessary to map the meal type in the connection, even for rate plans that do not support data transmission (see above).

In such cases, the mapping serves only to ensure that the correct meal type is assigned to the reservation in Previo.

If no mapping is created for a rate plan, the reservation will be saved with the default meal type set in Previo.

Fees in Expedia reservations

On Expedia, you can set up several fees with different VAT, but Expedia does not send any specificication of these fees in reservation, so we are not able to determine type of fee and assing correct VAT.

Accommodation taxes

Expedia never sends tax amount to Previo, tax is added to a reservation based on Previo visitor tax setting (Pricelist →Visitor tax).

Commissions settings

There are two ways how Expedia collects its commissions for mediated reservations.

  • Hotel Collect – accommodation provider collects the entire price for accommodation from guest. Commissions are being collected by Expedia at the end of the month.
  • Expedia Collect – guest pays full price of accommodation directly to Expedia. Expedia bank transfers the money to the accommodation provider. Total sum is decreased by commission sum. Bookings created as Expedia Collect are dowloaded into Previo with the price already net of commission.

It is possible and quite common to use a combination of both models.

If you decide to change commission model, contact Expedia and also do not forget to inform us. We need to adjust the connection settings after this.