
Defects are also connected with our Housekeeping app. This module will help you with the upkeep of your property.

Left part of the module contains classic filters. We can filter reported defects by:

  • fulltext search
  • report date
  • certain room
  • type of defect
  • status (fixed / not fixed / ..)
  • assigned user

Main part of hte module shows you the list of defects which meet the search criteria.You can oped the management of certain defect, where you can edit it, assign it a certain user or add description. Second tab contains uploaded photos of defect

Reported defect which are not in fixed status yet are highlighted in reservation calendar. The entire section with room name is highlighted with red color and also with warning icon. When you move your cursor on the icon, description of defect will be displayed. When you click on the icon you will be redirected to Defects module for further details.