Contact person
Next to the particular accommodated guests you also can keep the records of contact person from reservations. Contact person can be different from the particular guest – e.g. it can be company receptionist/back office staff who books and manages all of the reservations for other employees.
Of course contact person can also be the person who is actually going to stay at your hotel.
Contact person database works very similar to guest database.
Module is an table with list of all contact person mentioned in your reservations. We do not keep such detailed information about contact person (as we do for the guests like for example address, visa number, document number etc) only following:
- Name and surname
- Phone number
- Email address
- Count and dates of reservations
Contact person database or its filtered part can be exported into CSV file which can be later used in most of the external mailing software. Export file can be created by clickin on the printer button above the actual table.
In the top right part of the module you also have a contact person database management where you can merge duplicates and perform several other checks.