Frequent mailing questions

Q: How often and when are send emails from “according to events” campaigns?
A: Emails are being send every 30 minutes (at :00 and :30). We automatically check if there are any new reservations which meet campaign criteria. If there are some, emails are automatically placed to queue.

Last check takes place 10 minutes after midnight for previous day for reservations created between half past 11 and midnight.

Q: How does “immediate” campaigns work and when are they send?
A: This type of campaign will be send immediatelly after the selected events take place. Trigger for sending can be creating of new reservation, issuing document or creating a payment in reservation.

Q: How do “according to events” campaigns work for example with “1 day before arrival” settings?
A: Email for reservation which starts on 30.8. will be placed in queue at 00:00 on 29.8.

IF someone creates a reservation for todays date, time condition of campaign cannot be met and therefore email will not be send at all.

Q: How do “according to events campaign” work with “0 days before arrival” settings?
A: If there as an email saved in guest card campaign will be send during the first check after reservation is saved at :00 or at :30.

If you save the guest email during the day when reservation was created, it will be also automatically listed in queue during max 30 minutes.

If you save the email address to guest card in days following the start of resrvation email will not be send at all. Reservation does not meet time condition of the campaign (email was filled in after the day when reservation was created).

Q: When and how often are periodic and birthday campaigns send?
A: Check takes place every day at noon and emails are then placed in queue.

Q: What does it mean to place emails in queue?
Because of enourmous number of campaigns and emails we simply cannot send all emails for all hotels immediatelly. Emails are first placed into common queue for all hotels and they are fluently being send on their way.
We are capable of sending 50 emails per minute.

Q: What happens if I send the guest an email and during the same day I change the guest in reservation or replace his email?
A: Mentioned 30 minute checks are only watching the changes of guests. That means that if you replace such guest (who you already sent email) with another guest (with filled in email) the new one will receive his email during the next 30 minute check.

If you only change guest email (and not the guest) we will not send the email again to the new address.

Q: What about language versions of mailing campaigns? How does this work?
A: If there is a specific language version for particular country we will send email in this language (french version of email for french people).

Then there might be a situation when you have CZ, EN and SK version of the email and our model guest is from Germany. First we check if there is specific language version for this guest which is not in this case. Therefore we use default alternative language which is english.

Also things can get even more complicated. Mailing is set only in spanish version and guest is from Czech republic. This guest would not receive any email (czech version is not set and default alternative language english is also not set).

Q: How does guest country condition works?
A: This filter uses country from guest address. That means the nationallity is not taken in consideration when using this filter.