Before arrival
Your guests can use the online checkin option and prefill all their information and also the information of their companions.
Online check-in can be electronically signed and signature is automatically saved in reservation in Attachments section. Signature will be also visible while printing already prefilled guest accommodation cards.
These information are saved in accommodation cards of certain guests in reservation in our system and guests does not have to fill in all the information manually when they arrive to the hotel.
During stay
Guests can also keep track on their account balance and they can pay their expenses anytime using integrated online payment gateway (hotel must have the gateway integrated with our system).
In case of succesfull payment document is automatically generated, account is balanced to zero and both guest and hotel reception will receive an email with the information about payment.
During departure
By adjusting your Alfred settings you can also allow guests to perform check-outu and report minibar consumption during their departure.
It works like this. On the departure day guest can press the Check-out button in app (+ you can set automatic email reminder about check-out option or set your own mailing campaign about it).
When clicked, guest is asked about minibar consumption (if you have this additional function active and if you have set at least some stock items in minibar/minibar food/minibar drink segments).
Guest will mark his consumption and will be redirected to the payment gateway. After successful payment check-out process can continue.
After marking check-out reservation in you calendar will be automatically switched to checked-out status and room status will be automatically switched to untidy (based on the housekeeping settings) so your employes will already know that room is empty and they can start with the cleaning.
Do not forget that using the check-out function is completely voluntary and not all the guests will use the check-out function during their departure.