Price calculation

Select price calculation method and let us know about your choice. Calculation method can be changed in editation of particular room/listing.

Airbnb has two different price calculations and possible methods of connection.

  • Each possible room occupancy costs the same price (triple room for one / two / three guests will always cost 2500 CZK). In this case, there is no need to set up any additional fees in AirBnb.
  • Price is set only for one person (or for another specific higher occupancy). Cost of other possible occupancies of room is calculated with additional fee per person (we calculate with price for one person + 250 CZK for each additional person, for two additional persons 2 x 250 CZK atp). To set this up, go to the Calendar menu in the Settings panel, then go to Pricing > Additional Charges > Extra Guest Fee.

Go to your Calendar:

And then open the editing of the specific room(s):

Next, click to Pricing in the Settings panel on the right:

And then go to Additional Charges:

Here you can set the Extra Guest Fees:

In first case we would send price for three guests in room straight from Previo. In second case we would send price for just one person in room from Previo. Prices for two and three guests in the room will be automatically calculated using the extra guest fee.

Be aware that additional fee set in Airbnb extranet is same per each (extra) person. With fee 250 CZK, price for one Extra person would be 250 CZK, for two people 500 CZK etc.

Each Airbnb listing (room category) can have a different extra guest fee setting. This means that for one listing, we can send a price from Previo for 1 person, while for another, we can send a price for 2 people.

Surcharges cannot be adjusted based on specific dates; the setting remains fixed throughout the year.

ATTENTION! If you modify the extra guest fee settings, specifically the number of guests after which the fee applies, please notify us so we can update the connection. Additionally, let us know which occupancy from Previo you would like to use for pricing that particular listing (room category).

A special category of guests are infants

According to Airbnb’s documentation, infants (children under two years old) do not count towards the number of guests. If you have set up additional fees for an additional guest, infants are not subject to these fees – so they stay for free.

This setting is fixed and cannot be changed as it is a global setting across the entire Airbnb platform.

Airbnb does not technically differentiate between a child and an infant when submitting a booking – it only provides the total number of children without specifying their ages. As a result, the reservation is saved in Previo under the guest category “Child,” which is listed first in the Settings → Hotel → Guest Categories section.