Connection set-up

How to set up channel manager connection?

First sign in to extranet, choose Account and select Connectivity provider setting:

Confirm search for connectivity provider:

Search for Previo channel manager and confirm your selection:

Tick the Extranet Access and click on button Connect. Extranet Access helps us in solving potential issues and discrepancies more efficiently.

And finally the connection is prepared from your side. Now it is our turn.

From this point on you will not receive any emails regarding reservations from After we will finalize and activate the connection with our system you will start receiving email about new reservations / changes / cancellations from us and not from

When the connection is ready we can download rooms and rates from Booking and start with mapping (connecting). After everything is done, we need to confirm XML once again and then you to confirm it again for the last time (we will call you when this will be required).

Finally the connection is set live and we will ask you to check if the prices and availability are being send correctly.

When the connection is initiated, we automatically download active reservations that were created before the integration. These reservations contain only basic information and do not include the guest’s contact details. Additionally, does not provide credit card details or payment information for these bookings.

If you have already entered reservations manually in Previo, we recommend replacing them with the original, automatically downloaded reservations. This ensures they remain linked to automatic updates made by the channel manager, including cancellations.

If you are having some issues with establishing XML connection contact us at We would gladly help you.

Contact Tel:+420 221 475 710, by e-mail message via extranet